On today’s episode Robert Sikes returns to share how studying people in the past can give you great business insight today.
Robert Sikes: The Live Savage Philosophy Part 1
Robert Sikes explains the advantages to the Keto lifestyle on today’s episode of Acta Non Verba.
Rafa Conde: The Philosophy of a Man at War Part 2
This week on Acta Non Verba Rafa Conde returns to discuss using fear as a tool to drive you.
Rafa Conde: The Philosophy of a Man at War Part 1
This week on Acta Non Verba Rafa Conde explains how every man needs a personal code of conduct and what it looks like to live by one.
Emily Kwok: The Art of Peak Performance Part 2
This week on Acta Non Verba Emily Kwok returns to share why top leaders need to really get out of the day-to-day and become high-level thinkers.
Emily Kwok: The Art of Peak Performance Part 1
This week on Acta Non Verba Emily Kwok shares how she became an early pioneer of Brazilian jujitsu in North America and why we need to challenge ourselves in order to continue growing.
Zachary Babcock: The Underdog Empowerment Philosophy
This week on Acta Non Verba Zachary Babcock explains the Underdog Philosophy and how to find the answer to your purpose hidden within Adversity.
Warrior Wisdom: Thick Face Black Heart
This week on Acta Non Verba I’m sharing the personal insights and revelations that I observed through reading the book Thick Face Black Heart.
About the Host

Marcus Aurelius Anderson
Mindset Coach, Author, International Keynote Speaker